Launch of Bath Short Story Award 2017 Anthology

On Tuesday 28 November I attended the launch of the Bath Short Story Award 2017 Anthology.  It was held at the fabulously named Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights in Bath (worth a visit), and Bath was looking very sparkly and festive.  The event was a chance to meet the winners and other shortlisted writers included in the anthology - and we all read an excerpt from our stories.

The Bath Short Story Award 2017 anthology - just published

The Bath Short Story Award 2017 anthology - just published

Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights ...

Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights ...

Jude, Anna and Jane, the organisers of the Award, had asked us all to read a short extract, so here I am reading the first page from my shortlisted story 'Hunger in the Air'.  We also had fabulous readings from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize-winners including Kathy Stevens, Mary Griese, and Sarah Mackey, and many others.  

Reading an extract from my shortlisted short story 'Hunger in the Air' ...

Reading an extract from my shortlisted short story 'Hunger in the Air' ...

I'm thrilled to have a story published in the anthology, and to be in such illustrious company!  And you can buy it here