On Tuesday 28 November I attended the launch of the Bath Short Story Award 2017 Anthology. It was held at the fabulously named Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights in Bath (worth a visit), and Bath was looking very sparkly and festive. The event was a chance to meet the winners and other shortlisted writers included in the anthology - and we all read an excerpt from our stories.
The Bath Short Story Award 2017 anthology - just published
Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights ...
Jude, Anna and Jane, the organisers of the Award, had asked us all to read a short extract, so here I am reading the first page from my shortlisted story 'Hunger in the Air'. We also had fabulous readings from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize-winners including Kathy Stevens, Mary Griese, and Sarah Mackey, and many others.
Reading an extract from my shortlisted short story 'Hunger in the Air' ...
I'm thrilled to have a story published in the anthology, and to be in such illustrious company! And you can buy it here